Coach Referral Guidelines

Everyone who is chosen to participate in our ATG Referal Program must agree to our ATG Buddies, LLC Referral Program Terms, as updated from time to time by ATG, as well as adhere to our Referral Guidelines below.

If you have any questions about the Program Terms or these Referral Guidelines, you may contact us at 

Referral Do Nots:

No referral will guarantee anything. For example, you can not say, "The ATG products are guaranteed to fix anyone's knees", etc. 

Don’t use any third party music, photographs, artwork, trademarks, logos or slogans in your social media posts unless you have prior written consent and
have completed all necessary disclosure paperwork with ATG.

No one else should be in the video/social post other than yourself.

Do not make deceptive or misleading claims to consumers about our products or services, or our competitors' products or services.

Do not make any claims about our products or services, or our competitors; products or services, that are not backed up by evidence.

Do not disclose any of our confidential information.

Do not engage in any communication that is defamatory or infringes upon the intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of others.

Do not make offensive comments that have the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating or hostile environment.

Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or other offensive language. 

Do not make any comments or post any content that in any way promotes unsafe activities that could lead to an unsafe situation involving ATG's consumers or other individuals.

Referral Must do:

We will be monitoring posts and will ask you to fix or remove any posts that do not follow our guidelines.

You must tag @ATGEquipment on all IG & TikTok posts.

You must use these hashtags wherever possible on the social media
platform: #ATGequipment, #ad

You must follow the posted guidelines and terms of use on any site or social
media platform on which they post content on behalf of ATG.

You must follow all additional guidelines provided by ATG, such as ATG’s
trademark usage guidelines, product specific guidelines, promotion guidelines,
and the like.

Referral Privileges:

Notwithstanding the terms of service, the above guidelines as well as the “FTC Disclosures”, Talent has full creative privileges in the production of the Posts.

It is very important to us that your post will reflect your own honest experience of the ATG products you are posting about.


Talent must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, the “FTC Endorsement Guides”, in addition to all applicable requirements contained in our Referral Program Terms of Service, and the applicable policies, procedures, guidelines, and/or end-user agreements of the applicable social media platforms. For the avoidance of doubt, Talent must comply with the terms relating to the FTC Endorsement Guides in the links below and in ATG Buddies Affiliate Program Terms of Service.

(1)  Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (url: events/press-releases/2009/10/ftc-publishes-final-guides-governing-endorsements-testimonials, and any successor or replacement thereof);

(2)  Endorsement Guides: What People Are Asking (url: system/files/documents/plain- language/pdf-0205-endorsement-guides-faqs_0.pdf, and any successor or replacement thereof); and

(3)  Dot Com Disclosure Guides (url: advertising-disclosure-guidelines, and any successor or replacement thereof).


FTC Disclosure:

The Posts must contain one or more of the following hashtags (and such hashtags must be clearly and conspicuously visible without additional actions taken by the viewer, such as expanding a text box): #ATGequipment, #ad

If the Post is a YouTube video, Talent must also include the following in the Post:

  1. At the start of the Campaign Video, and for a minimum duration of five (5) seconds, include the following written and verbal statement:

    “This video has been sponsored by ATG Buddies.”

    For example, “Hi friends, just to let you know, I’m starting this video with a message that has sponsored by ATG Buddies.”

  2. Under the “Description” section, above the “Show More” button (i.e. above the fold), include the following written statement: “This video has been sponsored by ATG Buddies.”